Monday, January 27, 2014


Throughout Wales you will always find waterfalls, and Ceunant Mawr Waterfall is one of our favorites, it is also known as Llanberis Falls.
Most people see this waterfall  from the viaduct on the Snowdon Mountain Railway path, either as they take the path and walk up the mountain or go by the train.
It is only a few hundred yards from the town centre.
I would advise you though not to take really young children on this path that we are going to take you on, there is a fast flowing river and there are no fences, and the path is quite narrow, but absolutely safe for grown ups taking care! Plus it is a beautiful short walk!

This is the beginning of the short path to the waterfall, as you can see it is a fast flowing river, and after rain it can be very deep too, but after saying that you can see it is a beautiful place!

As you advance along the path you can hear the water gushing down the gully, in the spring this place is a fairy tale, with lots of wild spring flowers growing on the banks, it is so pretty.

The water flows very fast in most parts of the river, and there are a few mini little falls along the way depending on how much rain there has been.

We are getting to the end of the path now and the water is in full fall.

This photo was taken from the viaduct on the Snowdon Mountain Railway, I thought I would put in here for you to see so you have a full view of the whole waterfall and just how beautiful it is!

As you reach the end of the path this is the view that is waiting for you!! it is just wonderful, there are all sorts of lichens and ferns growing out of the rocks that the waterfalls flows overs, it truly is like a fairy glen!
From here there is a bit of scramble over some rocks to get past the old pumping station.

Scrambling over the rocks takes you to the bottom of the falls, the noise when it is in full flood has to be heard to be believed, you have to shout to make yourself heard above it's roar!!

Then when you are ready it is time to take the path back to the town center, we took these photo's when we visited the falls during the early spring just as the trees were beginning to bud, so there was plenty of light coming through the over hanging branches!

Nearly back to the beginning of the path now, so if you want to see the waterfall from the path you have to go back to the town! We hope you enjoy your visit to this waterfall, we think it is so pretty it would be a shame for any visitors to miss it!

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